Galactic Empire ⋅ Galactic Republic ⋅ Rebel Alliance ⋅ Separatist Alliance
Showingof 119 item(s)
Luke Skywalker is a part of the Rebel Alliance faction for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL56.
B1 Battle Droids is a part of the Separatist Alliance faction for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL49.
Bossk is a part of the Galactic Empire faction for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL38.
Jyn Erso is a part of the Rebel Alliance faction for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL31.
Premium Large Bases is for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL29.
Imperial Specialists is a part of the Galactic Empire faction for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL27.
Rebel Specialists is a part of the Rebel Alliance faction for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL26.
Priority Supplies is a Battlefield Expansion for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL16.
E-Web Heavy Blaster Team is a part of the Galactic Empire faction for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL15.
Snowtroopers is a part of the Galactic Empire faction for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL11.
General Veers is a part of the Galactic Empire faction for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL10.
Dice Pack is for the miniatures game Star Wars: Legion by Atomic Mass Games with the item number SWL02.